Saturday, July 25, 2009

Generations of Technology

So, this is my first post. I'd like to say that when I first got started in this virtual world back in the early-90s, I never would have guessed this is where I'd end up! I'm 41, and I think I represent a generation of "techies" that either embraced or stepped away from computers and technology.

When I began my college career, it was a requirement that all students take a computer course--Windows 3.1! =) Over the years, I fought (sometimes not so successfully!) to keep up with the ridiculous pace of advancements, and when I began teaching I certainly wrapped my entire approach around technology.

Now, more than 16 years later, I am even more excited about technology in education. As I conduct workshops on SMARTBoards, Response systems, podcasting, web pages, wikis, and various educational software, I realize how easily educators can become overwhelmed and sometimes frustrated with the fast-pace of technology. This is why I think that on-going job-embedded support is a necessity in all schools. Teachers must be given the tools they need to engage their students--this is a given. However, teachers MUST also have the continuing support to integrate technology into their classrooms and curriculum.

I think sometimes teachers are constantly bombarded with "new" things before they even have a chance to learn the previous technological tool. So the question then becomes this: "How do school districts and educators find a balance?"

We all know the arguments: Our kids are functioning in a technology-driven world; we must embrace technology to engage and motivate them; etc, etc. As Educators, we've heard it all countless times. But how do we keep ourselves from falling into the "technology professional development over-load" trap?

So maybe my wondering mind wandered too much...

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